ArcGIS StoryMaps Gallery


Organization Category Topics Subject
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 「年華 ‧ 新韻」市建局保育及活化項目推廣計劃
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院黃笏南中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 生活·活化 推廣618上海街及士丹頓街
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院張明添中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 營造穿越 保舊創新
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院陳兆民中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 市建局x東華三院青年領袖計劃 2023-2024 推廣618和H19重建計畫
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 市建局活化項目推廣方案 以 618上海街 及 士丹頓街 爲例
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院甲寅年總理中學)
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院李嘉誠中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 重新想像生活 共創美好社區
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院盧幹庭紀念中學)
URATW|TW US|LS UP|SD 東華三院李潤田紀念中學 - 618上海街、士丹頓街項目H19建築物推廣建議
URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2023/24 (東華三院李潤田紀念中學)
OTH I|US|LS|PS UP|ND|EN|SD|PH|HCA|EDU List of Awards of the CSDI Awards 2024 (Geospatial Lab)
OTH I UP|EN|SD Hong Kong is an urban green island?
StoryMap from Tertiary (Intern StoryMap Competition)
OTH I HCA|EDU|PPF Story of the Shatin Incinerator
StoryMap from Tertiary (Intern StoryMap Competition)
OTH US|LS UP|EN|SD|HCA List of Awards of ArcGIS StoryMaps Application Competition 2023/24 – Telling Stories Using Census Data
OTH UP|SD List of Awards of HKIS "Create Your District” Competition 2023 Multimedia Video Category
HKIS "Create Your District” Competition 2023
EYSAW I ND|EN|SD Socio-Economic Inequality below Floods
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD Green TOD Viability Boosting Smart HK Mobility
(Young Scholars Award 2024 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I HCA|SD Elderly Population Internal Migration and Habitability in HK
(Young Scholars Award 2024 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I HCA|UP Rebuilding Hong Kong’s Old Building Stock: Trends & Impact
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Group Application Champion StoryMap)
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Group Application 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I HCA|SD Unveiling Food Swamp in Hong Kong
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Group Application 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I SD Smart Planning for Environmental Justice
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Individual Merit)
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Group Application Merit)
EYSAW I HCA|SD Understand Your Life Quality
(Young Scholars Award 2024 Group Application Merit)
OTH I|LS|US|PS EN|SD 發展及保育大嶼山 - 探索大嶼 - 南大嶼越野單車徑
OTH I|LS|US|PS EN|SD 發展及保育大嶼山 - 休閒康樂
HB I HCA Collection of students’ works in the Spatial History course, History Department, Hong Kong Baptist University
EYSAW I UP|SD A Walk to Remember - Measuring Objective Walkability with Environmental Considerations in Hong Kong
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP GIS Application in Feng Shui - Rating the Feng Shui of Residential Buildings in Hong Kong during Nine Luck Period
(Young Scholars Award 2023 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD 3D Pedestrian Network Analysis — Road to a Walkable District
(Young Scholars Award 2023 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I EN|SD The Hiking Sustainability - Discuss the effects of active hiking on suburban terrain
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Group Application Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I HCA|SD One day in Hong Kong - Extraordinary trip tasting both new and old elements in Hong Kong
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Group Application 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I PH Healthcare Services for the Elderly in Hong Kong - An analysis for the current situation and the future obstacles
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Group Application 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD The Roads to Smart City, Exploring New Horizons - Improving Estimation of Urban Functional Zoning with a New Data Type
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Individual Merit)
EYSAW I EN|SD Unwrap the Heat Trap - Investigating the UHI effect in Yuen Long
(Young Scholars Award 2023 Group Application Merit)
NO HCA Birth Rate and Social Determinants in Hong Kong
I EN|SD|PH|EDU 吐露港海洋生物多樣性寶藏
I EN|SD Camping, but not Tampering
ESRI25 PS EDU 城門河「伴」- 說好香港故事
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 PS EDU Our Favourite Places in Hong Kong
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 PS EDU 屯門碼頭蝴蝶區之學是學非
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 PS EDU 屯門古蹟 - 屯門的古與今
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EN|EDU Let's dig deep—Geothermal energy in China
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EDU Home Sweet Home
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS HCA|EDU The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) - A Turning Point in European History
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS HCA|EDU 尋找就得尋見:《以斯帖的故事》
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EDU 城市寶藏 - 鬧市中的自然恩賜
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EDU What did we learn from others?
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EDU Tech in HK
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS HCA|EDU Nursing Homes
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EN|HCA|EDU A growing problem: Air Pollution
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS ND|EDU Earthquake -- The unpredictable disaster
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EN|EDU Air Quality in Hong Kong during the Pandemic
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EN|SD|EDU Nuclear Power in China - Is the age of nuclear power coming to China?
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 LS EN|SD|EDU Hydro-electric power (HEP) in China - Is hydro-electric power beneficial to providing energy in China?
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US EN|SD|EDU Air Quality in Tseung Kwan O
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|EDU 大歷史與小故事 - 香港原居民的歷史淵源與發展
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|EDU 重游岳陽樓記
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|EDU 樹影間的大角咀
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US EN|SD|EDU 踏上「龜」途 - 保育綠海龜
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|SD|EDU 全港食物分享雪櫃智慧供應
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|EN|EDU Relationship between water and temperature in Hong Kong - including the difference between inland and coastal areas
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US HCA|EDU Use of solar energy in Hong Kong - Is it feasible to have a large-scale use of solar energy in Hong Kong?
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
ESRI25 US EN|EDU A Story about HUMIDITY in Tseung Kwan O
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
(Esri China (HK) 25A STEAM Cup Competition 2023)
I HCA|EDU Emblem of Resistance: No. 190 Nathan Road
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I UP|SD Tsuen Wan - City in the sky
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I UP|SD Hong Kong on two wheels?
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I UP|SD The Origin - Aberdeen
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I PH|SD Smart Ageing - Get our community prepared for the Ageing Population
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I HCA Everyday Challenge - "What to have for lunch today?"
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I UP|SD Walking along Shau Kei Wan
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I HCA Where are the restaurants in Hong Kong?"
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I ND Tonga Volcanic Eruption 2022
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I HCA 每日一問:下午食甚麼好?
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I UP|SD Kwun Tong's Story - The city of revival
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
I SD|HCA Towards a Smart City: Applications for Zootopia
(StoryMap from Tertiary - Intern StoryMap Competition)
EYSAW I UP|SD Wheeling to Go - Wheelchair Users Accessibility in Kwun Tong District
(Young Scholars Award 2022 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD Charging for the Future?
(Young Scholars Award 2022 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD Redevelop Our Brownfield Sites
(Young Scholars Award 2022 Group Application Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD MTR Travel Record and Coronavirus Analysis
(Young Scholars Award 2022 Group Application 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I UP|SD Development of Smart environment in Hong Kong
(Young Scholars Award 2022 Individual Merit)
URATW|TW US UP 開創宜居新社區
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院伍若瑜夫人紀念中學)
URATW|TW US UP 智慧社區土瓜灣的全新面貌
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院呂潤財紀念中學)
URATW|TW US UP 為土瓜灣開創宜居新社區
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院甲寅年總理中學)
URATW|TW US UP 發展土瓜灣長幼共融的社區
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院邱金元中學)
URATW|TW US UP 踏上土瓜灣的傳承與創新之旅
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院陳兆民中學)
URATW|TW US UP 開創宜居新社區 (土瓜灣重建項目)
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院馮黃鳳亭中學)
URATW|TW US UP 「時暮 · 迎新」土瓜灣小區規劃建議
(URA X TWGHs Leadership Program 2022/23 - 東華三院黃笏南中學)
EN Zero Carbon Park - Home to the first zero carbon building in Hong Kong
HKU I PPF Yuen Long, a blend of old and new
HKU Urban Planning & Design - Past, Present, Future of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
HKU I PPF The Story of Lantau. From largest island to future metropolis
HKU Urban Planning & Design - Past, Present, Future of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
HKU I PPF Viva la Vida. The revitalization of Smart Cultural Precinct @ Central
HKU Urban Planning & Design - Past, Present, Future of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
HKU I PPF To Kwa Wan. Anticipating the Future of an Old District
HKU Urban Planning & Design - Past, Present, Future of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
HKU I PPF Tsing Yi Island. An Island of Bridges
HKU Urban Planning & Design - Past, Present, Future of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
HB I H HCA 深水埗區的宗教建築
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
TW|ML LS SC PH|EN Mouse Plague in Hong Kong
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College)
TW|ML LS SC ND 探究我校鄰近社區發生山泥傾瀉的機會
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC Where is the nearest collection point for recycle materials?
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College)
TW|ML LS SC EN Rubbish Collection
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Chen Zao Men College)
TW|ML LS SC 綠中嘗樂
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC UP|EN Smog Vacuum Cleaner site selection
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College)
TW|ML LS SC EN|SD Drinking Fountain In Ma On Shan
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College)
TW|ML LS SC EN Recycling Collections in Tuen Mun by TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC UP|SD Car Park Situation in Sheung Shui
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College)
HB I HCA|EDU 荃灣鄉紳對其新市鎮發展的影響力
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
HB I HCA|EDU 分析戰後殖民統治下尖沙咀的空間佈局和香港人身份轉變
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
HB I HCA|EDU 研究從1940-90年代新界鄉村學校的變遷與地方宗族的影響
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
HB I HCA|EDU 從被捕示威者的組成研究六七暴動的示威活動
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
HB I HCA|EDU Development on Textile & Garments industries in Sham Shui Po
(HKBU Spatial History ArcGIS StoryMap)
EYSAW I HCA|EDU 從防務到稅務:19世紀滿清政府在「香港」的軍事與關口設施
(Young Scholars Award 2022 Group Application Merit)
TW|ML LS SC SD Tsing Yi Urban Development
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs S.C. Gaw Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC UP|SD 香港人衣履消費調查
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Kwok Yat Wai College)
TW|ML LS SC SD 元朗休憩用地的研究
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Lo Kon Ting Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC UP 凹頭城市問題 (馬振玉紀念中學)
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College)
TW|ML LS SC EN|SD 源頭減廢 -減塑的挑戰
(TWGHs ArcGIS StoryMap - TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College)
EYSAW I SC UP|SD Save people from the concrete barriers
(Young Scholars Award 2021 Champion StoryMap)
NO PS EDU 梅窩介紹
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
NO PS EDU 生物多樣性篇
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
NO PS EDU 空氣污染篇
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
NO PS EDU 水資源篇
(環保基金 森林歷奇幼稚園)
EYSAW I SC UP Plan Smart; Build Smart
(Young Scholars Award 2021 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC UP The Dirty of Loudness Investigation on the traffic noise pollution to residents in Western District
(Young Scholars Award 2017 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC UP The Poorer, The Hotter?
(Young Scholars Award 2018 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC UP|SD Accessible to all?
(Young Scholars Award 2019 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC ND Sensing the force of Typhoon Mangkhut
(Young Scholars Award 2019 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC SD Where are the most dangerous road locations in Hong Kong?
(Young Scholars Award 2020 Champion StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC SD Columbaria Shortage
(Young Scholars Award 2020 1st Runner-up StoryMap)
EYSAW I SC SD Ready for ecotourism?
(Young Scholars Award 2020 2nd Runner-up StoryMap)
I SC EN|SD The Rainforest-- Let the Planet Breathe
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I UP Urban Redevelopment in HK and the Stories of Five Streets
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I A glimpse on Cheung Sha Wan
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I HCA The Painful Memory
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I EDU The 2021 HKU Freshmen's Guide to the Community
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I HCA Places of Worship in Hong Kong
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
I ND Hill Fire Risk in Country Park
(ArcGIS StoryMap from Tertiary)
MI|CIS US SC|CO PH COVID-19: Ecology and Economics
(Chinese International School)
MI|CIS US SC|CO PH COVID-19 Economy VS. Ecology
(Chinese International School)
MI|CIS US SC|CO PH Year 11 Geography Investigation
(Chinese International School)
MI|CIS US SC|CO PH COVID-19: The impact on the human mind
(Chinese International School)
MI|CIS US SC|CO PH Economics and Ecology
(Chinese International School)
KSYSS|ML US H HCA 天天在變的大角咀
(Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School)
(Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School)
KSYSS|ML US HCA 認識學校的社區—漫步歷史建築
(Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School)
ML LS|US SC EDU Geographical Information System in School 地理資訊系統在學校
(Maryknoll Fathers' School)
CSDI I|US|LS|PS UP|EN|SD|HCA|EDU List of Awards of the CSDI Awards 2023
(Geospatial Lab)
CSDI I|US|LS|PS UP|EN|SD|HCA|EDU List of Awards of the 2022 Open GIS Competition
(Geospatial Lab)
ED US ND Compulsory Part Module 1 - Opportunities and Risks — Is it rational to live in hazard-prone areas?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US ND 必修部分 單元一 - 機會與風險 — 居住在災害頻生的地區是否明智之舉?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US EN|SD Compulsory Part Module 2 - Managing River and Coastal Environments: A continuing challenge
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US EN|SD 必修部分 單元二 - 管理河流和海岸環境:一個持續的挑戰
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SD Compulsory Part Module 3 - Changing Industrial Location – How and why does it change over space and time?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SD 必修單元 單元三 - 轉變中的工業區位 — 它如何及為何隨時間和空間的變化而改變?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SC UP|SD Compulsory Part Module 4 - Building a Sustainable City — Are environmental conservation and urban development mutually exclusive?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SC UP|SD 必修部分 單元四 - 建設一個可持續發展的城市 — 環境保育與城市發展是否不能並存?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SD Compulsory Part Module 5 - Combating Famine – Is technology a panacea for food shortage?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US SD 必修部分 單元五 - 對抗饑荒 — 科技是否解決糧食短缺的靈丹妙藥?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US EN|SD Compulsory Part Module 6 - Disappearing Green Canopy— Who should pay for the massive deforestation in rainforest regions?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US EN|SD 必修部分 單元六 - 消失中的綠色樹冠 — 誰應為大規模砍伐雨林付出代價?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US ND|EN|SD Compulsory Part Module 7 - Global Warming — Is it fact or fiction?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)
ED US ND|EN|SD 必修部分 單元七 - 全球增溫 — 是事實還是虛構?
(MiL Supporting Materials DSE Geography)