Esri China (HK) has an outstanding track record in providing services for the Government departments by our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals of IT and GIS specialties. Our Professional Services Team is pleased to have worked with over 30 HKSAR Government departments for close to 20 years and have developed a thorough understanding of the departments’ requirements and procedures.
Esri China (HK) is honored to be awarded the SOA-QPS* by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) since 2005. Esri China (HK) recognizes that the success of the SOA-QPS programme depends on the quality, expertise and commitment of skillful and experienced professionals allocated to it.
We are committed to providing proficient professionals and specialists when they are required, where they are required and in appropriate numbers, with the aim of working with the Government departments to make the SOA-QPS contract a success.
For more details on the SOA-QPS, please visit OGCIO’s website.
*Notes: Awarded SOA-QPS including:
- SOA-QPS Service Category 3 (Minor) (2005-2009);
- SOA-QPS2 Service Category 2 (Minor) and 3 (Minor) (2009-2013);
- SOA-QPS3 Service Category 2 (Minor) and 3 (Minor) (2013-2017) and;
- SOA-QPS4 Service Category 2 (Minor) and 3 (Minor) (2017-2021)