HKIS BIM Conference Seeks Sustainability
Through Smart Planning
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) BIM Conference 2022 was held successfully at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on December 6, 2022. Carrying the theme “Advanced Digital Technology Application for Land and Building Development”, the Conference invited experts from Mainland, Hong Kong, and Korea to share information on advanced technologies that are in use or planned for adoption.
The Northern Metropolis strategy and the Artificial Island in the Central Waters development are two engines driving Hong Kong’s success in the future. Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), shared her insights on the adoption of smart technologies in speeding up urban planning and design, while enhancing safety and efficiency during the construction phase with the synthesis of GIS solutions, such as Smart Site Safety System (SSSS), parametric planning, and GIS-BIM-IoT integration.
Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), delivered a presentation on the topic of “Building a Sustainable Future through Innovative Technologies”.