Poly U Launches Innovative Research Center PReCIT


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University launched a new research center, the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), to advocate for strategies on how Hong Kong can proactively integrate into the Nation’s development. Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), attended the launch ceremony as a core member of this newly founded research center. 


Dr. Winnie Tang (third right), founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), attended the launch ceremony as a core member of this newly founded research center.


Led by Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU and Director of PReCIT, and Professor Eric Chui, Co-Director of PReCIT and Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of PolyU, PReCIT’s primary areas of research include carbon-neutral cities, Greater Bay Area I&T development, and the Belt and Road Initiative development in Southeast Asia. The core members of PReCIT include a wide professional spectrum from academia to industry gurus. 


