Dr. Tang Shares Her Entrepreneurial Journey
at Cyberport Academy
Cyberport Academy organized a Distinguished Fellow Speakers Series on November 30, 2021. Dr. Winnie Tang, the founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong) unveiled the story of establishing Esri China (Hong Kong) with university students and young entrepreneurs.
Hosted by Dr. George Lam, chairman of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport), Dr. Tang gave a talk entitled “My Entrepreneurial Journey and The Future of Smart City”. In 1997, she quit her job at the University of Hong Kong and started her GIS business. With sincerity, perseverance and endurance, Esri China (Hong Kong) withstands the hardships and grows. “As a local IT startup, our Company was among the first group of tenants to move into Cyberport in 2003 and witnessed the ups and downs of the Hong Kong economy after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) during the period.”
At the end of the sharing session, Dr. Tang introduced her latest publication “Smart City 4.0” to the audience and hope the participants can embrace new technologies and co-create a leading smart city together.
Dr. Tang (right 5th, front row) shared her entrepreneurial journey with university students and young entrepreneurs at Cyberport Academy Distinguished Fellow Speakers Series, hosted by Dr. George Lam (right 4th, front row).