Expert Advisory Panel Discussed

Smart Solutions for the Artificial Islands



The expert advisory panel for the study on artificial islands in the Central Waters, set up by the government, held its first meeting on November 9, 2021. Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), was invited as one of the non-official members to give expert advice and views on the study.



The panel comprises 10 non-official members, who are academics, professionals and experts from various sectors.



As one of the pioneers to promote the concept of smart city in Hong Kong, Dr. Tang believes GIS is essential to provide a holistic view and scenario analysis on transportation planning, town planning and urban design. By embracing smart technologies and geographical approach, it will strike a balance between conservation and development.



Dr. Winnie Tang (right 4th) shared her insight with other members in the expert advisory panel for the study of artificial islands in Central Waters.




