5-min GIS Update on YouTube

Esri China (HK) has successfully held a 5-min Lunch GIS Takeaway series, in which a wide range of GIS technology advancement has been discussed in 10 short videos on the YouTube. We have uploaded and made the videos available to the public. Please feel free to watch them on the YouTube channel



A playlist on YouTube contains all of the 5-min GIS Update videos. 




The following topics are covered in our YouTube Playlist

1. Community Contact Tracing We will demonstrate how public health analysts can perform location analytics by adding location information to contact tracing.
2. Searching Unstructured Data for Locations We will show how you can use the Extract Locations pane in ArcGIS LocateXT extension to search unstructured data for spatial locations.
3. Connecting GIS & BIM The use of BIM and GIS introduces a whole new spatial element to the AEC project lifecycle, especially when it comes with 3D capabilities.
4. Adding Graphics Layers Graphics layers are composed of graphic elements, such as points, lines, text, and pictures, which can improve the quality of your maps effectively.
5. 3D Volumetric Visualizations We will show how voxel layers can be visualized as volumes or surfaces.
6. Satellite Imagery with ArcGIS We will show how to search multispectral images from ArcGIS Living Atlas, and introduce the processing template inside the image service in ArcGIS Pro.
7. Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Pro We will introduce two new geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Pro, including the Colocation Analysis which measures local patterns of spatial association.
8. ArcGIS Online Map Viewer We will introduce new functions and enhancements such as dot density, dynamic clustering and layer blending in Map Viewer Beta.
9. Building Web Apps without Coding We will introduce how ArcGIS Experience Builder empowers you to quickly create web apps for devices without writing a single line of code.
10. Customize Apps with GeoCards We will demonstrate how each GeoCard can provide near real-time updating statistics along with maps and resources on various topics.


Please like and follow our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/Esri.China.HK/ to get the latest information about our forthcoming events and webinars. 


