The following topics are covered in our YouTube Playlist
1. | Community Contact Tracing | We will demonstrate how public health analysts can perform location analytics by adding location information to contact tracing. |
2. | Searching Unstructured Data for Locations | We will show how you can use the Extract Locations pane in ArcGIS LocateXT extension to search unstructured data for spatial locations. |
3. | Connecting GIS & BIM | The use of BIM and GIS introduces a whole new spatial element to the AEC project lifecycle, especially when it comes with 3D capabilities. |
4. | Adding Graphics Layers | Graphics layers are composed of graphic elements, such as points, lines, text, and pictures, which can improve the quality of your maps effectively. |
5. | 3D Volumetric Visualizations | We will show how voxel layers can be visualized as volumes or surfaces. |
6. | Satellite Imagery with ArcGIS | We will show how to search multispectral images from ArcGIS Living Atlas, and introduce the processing template inside the image service in ArcGIS Pro. |
7. | Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Pro | We will introduce two new geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Pro, including the Colocation Analysis which measures local patterns of spatial association. |
8. | ArcGIS Online Map Viewer | We will introduce new functions and enhancements such as dot density, dynamic clustering and layer blending in Map Viewer Beta. |
9. | Building Web Apps without Coding | We will introduce how ArcGIS Experience Builder empowers you to quickly create web apps for devices without writing a single line of code. |
10. | Customize Apps with GeoCards | We will demonstrate how each GeoCard can provide near real-time updating statistics along with maps and resources on various topics. |