Smart City 3.0 - New Book Launch

Internet of things, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, sharing economy, etc., are all shaping a new phase of development for smart city. How can we, young people in particular, seize the opportunity to create our own legend?

Dr. Winnie Tang, Chairman of Esri China (HK) has suggested a number of solutions in her new book Smart City 3.0.

We are facing numerous macro issues, such as the ageing problem - the world's population aged over 60 will outnumber children under five by 2020; global warming - the temperature in recent years has broken the hundred years record repeatedly; more than half of world population will live in urban areas by 2030 which will pose enormous pressure on governments around the world. At the same time, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that do not exist today, according to an estimate.

The smart city initiative aims to address all these big and small challenges with information and communication technology playing an important role.

The newly published Smart City 3.0 describes the applications and potential of future technologies, how they change our life, and the challenges and solutions from six perspectives, namely smart people, smart economy, smart environment, smart government, smart living and smart mobility.

Through this book, Dr. Tang explores the implications of new technologies on our smart city development, hoping to connect with kindred spirits, especially the younger generation, to build Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. This is exactly the core value of smart city 3.0 with public co-creation as the essence.

You are cordially invited to visit the Story Map to download the pdf version of the new book “Smart City 3.0”. Enjoy Reading!

Dr. Susann Roth (right), representing the Asian Development Bank, joined the keynote speaker of the HKUC Dr. Amen Ra Mashariki (left), Head of Urban Analytics at Esri, to congratulate Dr. Winnie Tang (centre) on launching her new book Smart City 3.0

Dr. Susann Roth (right), representing the Asian Development Bank, joined the keynote speaker of the HKUC Dr. Amen Ra Mashariki (left), Head of Urban Analytics at Esri, to congratulate Dr. Winnie Tang (centre) on launching her new book Smart City 3.0.

Dr. Winnie Tang (far left) hopes to connect with kindred spirits, especially the younger generation, to build Hong Kong as a world-class smart city

Through her new book Smart City 3.0 available, Dr. Winnie Tang (far left) hopes to connect with kindred spirits, especially the younger generation, to build Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. The photo shows Dr. Tang sharing her book with the students from Wah Yan College, Kowloon, the winner of the Outstanding GIS Application Award.

Dr. Winnie Tang latest book Smart City 3.0, in Chinese print version and English electronic version, talks about how Internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, sharing economy, people-private-public-partnerships, etc., are shaping a new phase of development for the smart city

Dr. Winnie Tang’s latest book Smart City 3.0, in Chinese print version and English electronic version, talks about how Internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, sharing economy, people-private-public-partnerships, etc., are shaping a new phase of development for the smart city.





