GIS - the Core Component of the

CIC Master Class on the CDE


The Construction Industry Council (CIC) has launched the first ever CIC Master Class on the Common Data Environment (CDE) (Project Managers). It focuses on an in-depth understanding of construction digitalization with the adoption of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI). The launch ceremony of the master class was held in the CIC – Zero Carbon Park on September 1, 2022. The chairman of the CIC Ir. Ho On-sing, Thomas, and the Guest of Honor, Secretary for Development Ms. Bernadette Linn delivered the Welcoming and Opening Remarks respectively.


The seven modules master class covers the complete digital construction project life cycle, from planning and design, construction, to operation and maintenance. Executive management personnel in the construction industry attended the course. 


Course lecturer Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and honorary president of the Smart City Consortium, offered insights for digital planning and design through the adoption of City Information Modeling (CIM), the Common GIS Platform (CGISP), parametric planning tools, digital environment impact assessment (Digital EIA), Smart Site Management System (SSMS), and smart city development.


Meanwhile, course lecturer Sr. Paul Tsui, chairman of the Land Surveying Division, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), shared the practical use cases for digital operation and maintenance with the adoption of GIS, Internet of Things (IoT), and Digital Twins. Hands-on GIS exercises were conducted by our teaching staff in both Dr. Tang and Sr. Tsui’s lectures.

Course lecturers Dr. Winnie Tang, founder and honorary president of the Smart City Consortium, (front row, third left) and Sr. Paul Tsui, chairman of Land Surveying Division, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (front row, first right) attended the CIC Master Class on CDE (Project Managers) Kick-off Ceremony. Ir Thomas Ho, chairman of the CIC (front row, fifth right) officiated the event.


Dr. Winnie Tang offered insights for digital planning and design through the adoption of GIS.


Sr. Paul Tsui shared the practical GIS use cases for digital operation and maintenance.


Hands-on GIS exercises given in both Dr. Tang and Sr. Tsui’s lectures by our staff. Students were learning to use ArcGIS Survey 123 to update the information shown on ArcGIS Dashboards.

