2017 SAG Award Recognized

the Hong Kong Police Force’s Innovation

The Hong Kong Police Force (Force) received the 2017 Special Achievement in Geographic Information System (SAG) Award from Esri China (HK) in September this year.

Every year, Esri presents one organization in each country or region, among thousands of nominations, around the world with the SAG Award. The Award recognizes users that have shown vision, leadership, hard work, and innovation which improves the world and set new precedents throughout the GIS community.

Mr. Jack Dangermond, President of Esri, personally reviewed and selected the winners. This year, the Force is the only organisation in Hong Kong as well as the only law enforcement agency in the Asia Pacific region clinching the Award. Mr. Dangermond sent his congratulations through a pre-recorded video to the winning team. He complimented the hard work of the Force on making Hong Kong the safest city in the world, and was glad that GIS played an important part to make this happen.

Through the Case Management and Investigation System and Crime Mapping System, the Force applies the latest GIS technology to conduct criminal analysis by visualising crime sites and case patterns. The systems provide useful tools for the Force to formulate effective strategies in the prevention and detection of crime. GIS enables officers to obtain a holistic view of a crime map and prepare useful charts and sketches. It also facilitates manpower planning for major incidents and events, analysing crime trends and traffic blackspots as well as planning anti-crime and traffic management operations.

All these echo with the core value of Esri that GIS is really enabling a smarter world.


Esri China (HK) Chairman Dr. Winnie Tang (right) presented the 2017 Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award to Mr. Frankie Yiu-hang Fong, Chief Systems Manager of the Information Systems Wing of the Force.





