Esri China (HK) Supported HKGDA

Guide Dog-a-thon Charity Walk

Esri China (HK) colleagues joined hundreds of dog lovers and dogs at Tai Mei Tuk to participate in Guide Dog-a-thon 2017 in the sunny morning of 18 March 2017. This was our second consecutive year to support the annual charity walk held by Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA).


Esri China (HK) colleagues took part in the event with great enthusiasm.



HKGDA is committed to raising the awareness of guide dogs to the general public and public services. It supports independent living in a barrier free society for all residents of Hong Kong by providing a free service for people with visual impairment, autism and other disabilities to enhance their independence and to improve their life through the provision of a professionally trained dog.


Esri China (HK) colleagues and their beloved four-legged buddies.



Guide Dog-a-thon 2017 was a charity event with entertainments, guide dog demonstration and education game booths. Its objective was to raise fund for providing needy breeding, raising and training services of guide dogs. The main activity of the event was walking along the beautiful countryside of Plover Cover Reservoir at Tai Mei Tuk with HKGDA guide dogs. Our colleagues brought their beloved four-legged buddies along to show their support and enjoyed the event very much.


The doggies also enjoyed the event.



Esri China (HK) takes great pride to have taken part in this event and looks forward to contributing to more activities that can benefit more visually impaired people in the future. We will continue to inherit the corporate culture of “GIS: Serving Our World” in caring our local community with the spirit of “To give is more blessing than to receive”.






