Esri Story Maps Powered

Buddhist Garden Book Project

The Buddhist Garden website shows the location of plants and trees in Miu Fat Monastery.

The Buddhist Garden website shows the location of plants and trees in Miu Fat Monastery.

Esri’s Story Maps technology has facilitated the successful launch of Buddhist Garden Book project (妙法花木) in March 2016 by non-profit-making organization Conservation E3 Foundation.


The Buddhist Garden Book project is about the appreciation of the Mother Nature.

The Buddhist Garden Book project is about the appreciation of the Mother Nature.


With the objective of promoting the culture of appreciating plants, trees and nature environment through latest information technology, the Buddhist Garden Book project presents the information of 16 species of plants and trees in Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery through different types of media including a paper-based book, flipping electronic version of the book and an interactive website.

The interactive website of the project used Esri’s Story Maps technology to show the distribution of the 16 plants and trees across the globe, and additional information such as their growth form and native habitats. A customized map of Miu Fat Monastery with the locations of the plants and trees in the monastery is also included so that users can find them easily and conveniently. The website is based on responsive web design so that users can have a better understanding of the plants and trees by mobile phones, tablets and PCs.

Information such as worldwide distribution, growth form and native habitat of the plants and trees can be shown interactively.

Information such as worldwide distribution, growth form and native habitat of the plants and trees can be shown interactively.



In addition, Story Maps technology supports the sharing function of different social media platforms so that it can help the website to promote the conservation message efficiently and effectively. Multi-media such as immersive video, audio, ebook software, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies can also be embedded into the feature-rich website and meet the sophisticated requirements of the project.

In fact, Esri Story Maps has been used extensively worldwide to tell the stories of conserving natural resources and appreciating the Mother Nature, please click here for more information.

To learn more about the Buddhist Garden Book project by CE3 and access the interactive Buddhist Garden website, please click here.





