Esri China (HK) Supports

Nurturing Local Landscape Architects

Esri China (HK) Chairman Dr. Winnie Tang, JP was invited as the Guest of Honor at the opening ceremony of first THEi Landscape Architecture Graduation Show on 4 August, 2017 at THEi Kowloon Tong Campus. During the event, Esri China (HK) Managing Director Sr. Paul Tsui presented award certificates to the student awardees of Esri scholarship 2017/18.


Dr. Winnie Tang (right 2) and Sr. Paul (right 3) in the opening ceremony of THEi Landscape Architecture Graduation Show.



THEi (Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong) Landscape Architecture Graduation Show 2017 was held from 4 August to 20 August, 2017. The opening ceremony of the show was a special event to showcase 46 gifted graduates of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture programme.


The programme of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture aims to equip students with both technical and professional knowledge and skills in a studio-based curriculum, which addresses landscape planning, landscape design, landscape management and environmental conservation. It is designed to provide the professional insight into the industry, by integrating spatial design expertise of the built environment, and knowledge of natural systems to provide solutions to problems that are both visually appealing and sustainable.


GIS is an important tool in the field of landscape architecture. It has been widely using in applications such as landscape research, analysis, design planning, etc. and the THEi programme includes it as an important element in its curriculum.


To support the future generations of home-grown landscape architects, Esri China (HK) has agreed to award the Esri China (HK) Scholarships to outstanding students of the programme and there were 2 awardees this year. The student awardees think that GIS is a very powerful analysis tool especially in large scale projects, yet it is also easy to use. Please view their works through the hyperlinks below.

Tree in Sai Ying Pun:

Journey to Study the Topography of Kwu Tung North:



Sr. Paul Tsui presented the certificates to the awardees of Esri Scholarship 2017/18.



In her speech, Dr. Winnie Tang encouraged the graduates to lead and implement innovative solutions to cope with the design and planning challenges of urban design and planning, such as building a smart city. She believes by sharing innovative ideas and insights, and exploring more collaboration opportunities, they can effectively help Hong Kong to improve its quality of life, enhance sustainable growth and strengthen competitiveness.


The Esri China (HK) Scholarship is established by Esri China (HK) for students of higher education institutions in Hong Kong including The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. We hope it can encourage students to apply GIS in their field of study.