Esri China (HK) Introduced Map

in Learning (MiL) Program

Esri China (HK) is pleased to introduce an education initiative, Map in Learning (MiL) Program, to respond to the Life-wide Learning (LWL) advocated by the Education Bureau, the HKSAR Government.



MiL Program applies latest technology to elevate students in learning and assists teachers in creating an innovative teaching tool.

MiL Program applies latest technology to elevate students in learning and assists teachers in creating an innovative teaching tool.



Maps have been applied in diversified humanities and science subjects, and web mapping has become part of our life. LWL aims to move student learning beyond the classroom into other learning contexts and enables them to develop the life-long learning capabilities that are needed in our ever-changing society.


Hong Kong has become the first Asian city to implement this initiative, giving students future options with high-value skills in problem solving, data analysis, technology integration and innovation. Under the Program, Esri China (HK) aims to provide subscription of ArcGIS Online School Account, intelligent e-learning resources, teachers training and various technical support services on a complimentary basis for teachers and students of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and Macao.


MiL Program not only encourages students to understand the world and their own community by easily making web maps and analyzing data online, but also assists teachers in creating suitable learning contexts for particular educational purposes for students. Thus, ArcGIS Online can be one of the topics and activities for LWL.


To learn more about MiL Program, please click here.






