Survey123 for ArcGIS Helps Slums in Yangon

Young engineers who volunteered themselves for EWB-HK visited Yangon, Myanmar in June 2018 with the software support from Esri China (HK).

Young engineers who volunteered themselves for EWB-HK visited Yangon, Myanmar in June 2018 with the software support from Esri China (HK).

Spatial data were easily and quickly stored and shared online through a mobile device with Survey123 for ArcGIS.

Spatial data were easily and quickly stored and shared online through a mobile device with Survey123 for ArcGIS.

Esri China (HK) supported a non-profit organization, Engineers Without Borders Hong Kong (EWB-HK), for their visit to Yangon, Myanmar. Field data were collected to work out solutions for public health, social services, housing, infrastructure, poverty and so on. An application called Survey123 for AcrGIS, which can work offline without a mobile network and collect relevant location data in the survey forms, was used for collecting geospatial data, living conditions and family structure from the field in Yangon, Myanmar.

Poor living conditions and a lack of suitable housing are two major concerns in the slum areas of Yangon. Basic infrastructure for living such as piped water, electricity, waste disposal facilities and drainage system does not exist. Bearing in mind “The Science of Where”, the survey aims to build up a database for understanding the current conditions of the disadvantaged group, the risk and challenges in the community, helping measure the sustainable development goals, disaster response, as well as building up a resilient and sustainable society.





