Personal Website of

Esri China (HK) Chairman Refreshed

The personal website of Dr. Winnie Tang JP, Founder and Chairman of Esri China (Hong Kong), has just been carried out a complete facelift.


The revamped website features 5 categorization of content, namely Brief Intro, ICT, Environment Conservation, eHealth and Community.



The theme of the new website is growing and greening, implying that Dr. Tang would like to grow from strength to strength with the society. The website features a clearer presentation of Dr. Tang’s advocacies and works for the betterment of the IT industry and the society. Visitors can have a vivid image of Dr. Tang by browsing through her personal profile, personal interests, published articles in the media, etc.


As always, Dr. Tang is eager to share her views and insights with the public. Recently she has just expressed her opinions on topics such as eHealth, FinTech, IT entrepreneurship and Smart city through a number of byline articles in local newspapers and magazines.


It is hoped that the website will serve as a better communication platform between Dr. Tang and people from all walks of life, particularly IT and healthcare professionals, teachers and students, members of Non-Government organizations, and entrepreneurs.